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Recommended Readings

Here are some of my favorite books that you might enjoy as well! 

Woman On The Edge of Time follows Connie Ramos who has unjustly been commited to a mental institution after a number of life changing moments. She is contacted by an envoy from the year 2137, where she gets a view of a hopeful future of equality and environmental purity, and another of continued exploitation and the breaking of the barrier between person and commodity. 

The House on Mango Street is about a young Chicana girl who is growing into her adolosence and coming to the realization of what it's like to be a woman in a poor and controlling community. 

The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven is a collection of short stories from the Spoke Indian Reservation, following a number of different characters. Themes range from love, passion, issues of identity, and isolation. 

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